I am currently reading 'Half Broke Horses'

Monday, January 12, 2015


So I am back. Currently, I am 84 pages into the sister book to the Glass Castle, Half Broke Horses. Its really unlike any book I have ever read. Its called a 'True Life Novel'. I guess that this book is like a memoir, but like a memoir of someone who is dead. Jeannette, somehow, discovered how her gma lived her life, all the life events, and how she felt. It says in the begining of the book that she talked to her mom and other family about her gma. Somehow, though I just don't know how you could get all this information from the family...my mom said that maybe her gma kept journals. Oh well, its a really cool book.

So far, I am incredibly impressed with her life. (Her is now Lily, the gma) Lily is the absolute opposite of her lady like sister. She wants to help her father break horses, do barn chores, and learn. What I find so very interesting about both books is that the children always want to learn. ... not a common trait we find in children today. During sections 1-3, Lily got sent to boarding school, note: she wanted to go, and she loved it there. One day, the tuition stopped getting paid, and Lily had to go home. When her father picked her up, with him were 4 dogs. He goes on to explain that these dogs were worth a lot of money, and that this was going to help the 'get rich' (does the whole get rich seem familiar?). She later gets a job 500 miles away teaching. This brave, strong soul rides her horse there. 5 weeks, 15 years old, 1 horse, barely any money. She makes it. After she gets laid off because qualified teachers have applied for the jobs she decides to go to Chicago (no this doesn't happen in 2 pages, I am basically just summin' it up). She just hops on a train, and says I will somehow find a way to live. I mean she doesn't have an ideal job, but she sets herself up for night school. Later, she gets married. While, Tom (husband) is away for buisness, Lily gets hit by a car. The person that hit her insists that she call the office that he works for because even if it is away there will be someway to make contact. Turns out that Tom is with his wife, Margret. From what we know about Lily, we know that she will be enraged. AND SHE IS. she spys on him to guarentee that he is cheating on her. Then she confronts him. After she yells at him, she marches her butt down to the church that married them, and fills a bigamy report (i guess). So far, I basically idolize the strong and independant woman Lily is. I mean she finds out that her husband has a whole other family, and she just keeps chugging. Never one moment that she cries. <3 xxx

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