I am currently reading 'Half Broke Horses'

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Part 4

Quite a few things happened in this section, BUT I am just going to talk about one thing.
.........Billy Deal

"Bertha Whitefoot [neighbor] took to calling Billy. "the devil with a crew cut" and. "the terror of the Tracks." She claimed he set fire to a couple of her dogs and skinned some neighborhood cats and strung their naked pink bodies up on a clothesline to make jerky. Billy said Bertha was a big fat liar. I didn't know whom to believe. After all, Billy was a certified JD—juvenile delinquent. He had told us that he spent time in a detention center in Reno for shoplifting and vandalizing cars. Shortly after he moved to the Tracks, Billy started following me around. He was always looking at me and telling the other kids he was my boyfriend." From this quote, we can see that he really was a total rebel. His history is extremely important to how he interacts with others. So, Billy really does follow Jeannette all around AND he tells everyone that she is his girlfriend. He gives her a ring, that he probably stole from his mother, and thinks that they are a couple. From the start, Jeanette knows that it is a bad idea. Alternatively, Rose (mom) says that she should be nice to him and be his friend. One day when the neighborhood friends are playing hid and seek, it all goes \DOWNHILL\. (QUICKLY!) So, Jeanette is hiding by a shed, and all of a sudden Billy pulls her into the shed. He arranges himself around her, and starts asking her questions and kind of hinting at what he is going to do to her. At this moment, I had such deep sorrow for Jeanette. She had NO idea what was going on. At 8 years old, Jeanette was being raped, as Billy so kindly informed her, and she couldn't tell anyone.  8 years old...!! Seriously. She didn't even know what rape was, and looking in the dictionary just made it more confusing. By this point, Jeanette wouldn't let anyone tell her that giving the ring back was a bad idea. After she gave Billy back the ring, she went home. Later, Billy came to her house (her parents weren't home, so it was just her and her 3 siblings) with a gun. Can I just say, this kid shouldn't be running around!? He started threatening Jeanette, and started shooting the windows and trying to shoot the kids. Could you imagine a boy claiming to be your boyfriend, rape you, and then try to shoot you and your family? This is a  horrific experience. I still can't believe the horror these children have gone through, ALL BEFORE AGE 10. Lori went upstairs and got her father's gun and shot Billy. This was to much action and before anything could happen Rex packed the family up and decided to move to Phoenix.

I will blog later about the adventures of Phoenix.

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